Order Management and Fulfillment
PortalProdigy provides everything you need to centrally create, manage, fulfill, invoice and report on orders. Orders are automatically generated by each of PortalProdigy's feature components. This includes the shopping cart, event registration, membership registration, exchanges, work orders, maintenance contracts, and other services. Each feature component separates the information that is unique to the feature from the standard transaction information and stores each separately. The transaction information is stored in a standardized order format that can be processed using a single order management screen, payments entry process and financial reporting. This allows you to quickly retrieve, view and edit all orders from one location.
You may also manually enter orders directly into order management to process orders not generated by feature components such as product orders taken over the phone or faxed in. Order Management displays all order details including customer information, shipping information, billing information, payment information, salesperson, ordered items detail, and special instructions. See each feature component for a detailed description of the unique information it collects.
PortalProdigy provides several methods for fulfilling orders including an automated batch fulfillment process. Print picking lists, packing slips and fulfillment reports. Inventory is automatically updated.
Order management and fulfillment features and benefits include:
- Create and manage an unlimited number of orders.
- Standardized order format for all transaction types.
- Fully integrated with shopping cart, inventory control, and payment processing.
- Customize shipping methods, sales tax parameters, ordering policies, and payment methods.
- Auto retrieval of customer information including billing address, shipping address, credit terms, and reseller status. Retrieved values can be changed.
- Specify payment terms and enter payments directly from Order Management. See Payment and Authorization feature for detailed description.
- Create quotes and convert to orders.
- Create recurring orders.
- Convert priced bid responses to orders.
- Ability to display real time product availability.
- Specify order for company or individual.
- Track orders by placement method such as Internet, FAX, Phone, etc.
- Ability to include products that are not in inventory including special order items and products fulfilled by third parties.
- Automated retrieval of quantity pricing and special customer pricing.
- Automated calculation of sales tax based on state and district.
- Exclude sales tax for resellers.
- Ability for customers to create and submit quote and bid requests.
- Apply promotional offers to orders. Automated validation and application of offer.
Standard Order header information includes:
- Bill To - Customer Name.
- Bill To - Attention Contact Name.
- Bill To - Address. Includes two address lines, city, state, zip and country.
- Bill To - Phone.
- Bill To - FAX.
- Bill To - Email.
- Ship To - Customer Name.
- Ship To - Attention/Contact Name.
- Ship To - Address.
- Ship To - Phone.
- Ship To - FAX.
- Ship To - Email.
- Order Status. Specifies if order is in shopping cart, submitted, pending processing, fulfilled, partially fulfilled, completed, on-hold, or canceled.
- Order Financial Status. Specifies if pending approval, approved, or declined.
- Terms. Define standard terms using Terms Management where you can set net days due, discount days due, discount rate, and grace days.
- Payment Type. Used to specify payment type when pre-paid.
- Purchase Order Number.
- Reference #.
- Contact ID.
- Order Type. Specifies whether it is standard order, recurring order, backorder, or quote.
- Order Date.
- Order Number. Auto assigned.
- Related feature record. E.g. the Event Registration, Membership, etc.
- Salesperson name and ID.
- How Order was placed such as Internet, FAX, phone, etc.
Standard Order detail information includes:
- Ordered quantity
- Shipped quantity
- Back order quantity
- Canceled quantity
- Part number
- Product or service description
- Unit price
- Extended price
Standard Order footer information includes:
- Allow Partial Shipment Option.
- Shipping Carrier selection.
- Shipping Method selection.
- Recalculate Shipping and Sales Tax option.
- Order Sub-total amount.
- Shipping charges.
- Sales Tax amount.
- Order Total amount.
- Special Instructions.
- Order created date, time and by whom.
- Order last modified date, time and by whom.