
Discussion Forums

PortalProdigy provides the capability to create interactive discussion forums and Web Blogs. This is a fantastic way to build an online community. It also provides a zero-cost self-servicing support resource. Visitors post messages and comments, others follow up with replies. Replies can be followed up with further replies forming threads of conversation. Discussion forums can be made public or private and are generally formed around specific interests, groups or subjects.

Provide visitors with the ability to interact with each other or with specified groups on topics of mutual interest. PortalProdigy's discussion forums include searchable archives making this feature ideal for propagating user self-help groups. Powerful hyperlink insert tool makes this a serious community builder.

Discussion Forums features and benefits include:

  • Create an unlimited number of unique discussion forums based on groups and topics.
  • Self servicing.
  • Zero cost.
  • Build community.
  • Individual discussion forums can be made public or private.
  • Ability to insert hyperlinks.
  • Ability to search discussion archives.