
Classified Ads

Using PortalProdigy's Exchange feature you can offer your customers, community, members, staff, vendors, and others the opportunity to operate public or private exchanges for the purpose of selling products or services (classified ads), running speakers bureaus, file sharing, audio and video libraries, and other sharing networks. Create public participation exchanges such as resume and job posting boards, vendor operated catalogs, trainer or speakers bureaus, and other visitor operated organization sponsored bazaars or markets.

Define a virtually unlimited number of exchanges which can be public or private, free of charge or on a fee paid basis. Payment for participation can be accepted online using credit cards or other payment options. The Exchanges Feature differs from the Online Product Catalog Feature in that it fosters commerce or exchange between a defined group of external participants, such as customers, members and service providers, which does not involve your organization directly.

Classified Ads features and benefits include:

  • Use to provide a virtually cost and maintenance free benefit to your customers and other members of your community.
  • Generate more traffic to your Website, increasing sales opportunities.
  • Create an unlimited number of different exchange types.
  • Advertise an unlimited number of listings per exchange type.
  • Exchanges can be entirely visitor maintained or under the control of your organization.
  • User defined data input fields.
  • Automated indexing of postings.
  • Search feature makes it easy to find a listing. Search supports user defined fields and is customized for each exchange type.
  • Data is stored in a standardized format.
  • Option to allow pictures in listings.
  • Automatic expiration option removes listing after specified number of days. Records remain available in archive.
  • Fees can be charged for individual postings or offered on membership basis.
  • Fees can be billed or collected online.
  • Option to offer a set number of free listings.
  • Renewal option with option to charge renewal fee.
  • User defined instructions for new postings.
  • User defined instructions for search feature.
  • User defined instructions for browse listings page.
  • Automated administrator email notification each time a new posting is submitted.
  • Automated confirmation email sent to submitter.
  • Parties contact each other directly via email. Email link is automatically inserted into each listing.
  • Fully integrated with Order Entry and Payment Processing for processing of fees.