PortalProdigy Server and Site Configuration Guide
Last updated March 5, 2007
This guide will instruct you how to configure your PortalProdigy Server and Site.
Prior to performing the steps outlined in this guide you must run the PortalProdigy.exe to install the PortalProdigy server components and create a website on your server.
Supported Operating Systems:
PortalProdigy Server operates on the following Operating Systems:
Windows 2003 Web Edition is the recommended Operating System.
Supported Browsers:
Administration of PortalProdigy should be done using Internet Explorer 6 with Service Pack 2.
Configuration Overview:
This guide will take you step by step through each of the following processes:
1) Configure Windows settings including folder/file access rights.
2) Modify IIS Metabase.xml file (Windows XP and Windows 2003 only).
3) Create and configure site in IIS including setting IIS folder/file access rights.
4) Setup & configure Broadcasting Components.
5) Schedule nightly utilities using Windows Scheduler.
6) Start MakeZip.exe.
7) Access your website.
Please note that your Windows installation may vary from the examples provided in this guide. This guide presumes the reader has sufficient knowledge of Windows to deviate from the instructions as necessary. If not, PortalProdigy can recommend an IBCA that can assist you with your installation. Please see http://www.portalprodigy.com/ for more information.
Configure Windows settings including folder/file access rights:
1) If you have installed PortalProdigy on Windows XP Professional, you will need to disable Simple File Sharing; otherwise skip to Step 2.
a) In Windows XP the default setting is simple sharing (Security Tab is hidden). In order to set security rights you need to uncheck Simple File Sharing. Open Windows Explorer > click Tools > click Folder Options > click View Tab and uncheck “Use simple file sharing” as shown below:
2) Set Environmental Variables - IUSR and IWAM accounts need full security rights to temp folder specified in windows environmental variables. We suggest pointing this to folder on drive D. We also suggest placing all websites on drive D.
a) Click Start > Control Panel > System
b) System Properties window > Advanced tab:
c) Click Environment Variables.
d) Edit both Temp and TMP and set to either “c:\temp” or “d:\temp”.
e) Click Ok to save. Continue to click close for each window.
f) Using Windows Explorer go to your temp folder, either “c:\temp” or “d:\temp” and right click on the folder, then select Properties.
g) Click Add.
h) Click Advanced.
i) Click Find Now.
j) Highlight IUSR and IWAM accounts as shown above then click OK.
k) Click OK.
l) Highlight IUSR (Internet Guest Account) and check “Full Control”. Do the same for IWAM (Launch IIS Process Account).
m) Click OK.
3) Set permissions for “CMD.exe” located in C:\Windows\System32 folder to include IUSR (Internet Guest Account) with “Read & Execute” permission. Follow same steps as used to assign IUSR and IWAM to temp folder except only check “Read & Execute”.
4) Set permissions for C:\PrgramFiles\CommonFiles\Brolin folder to include IUSR (Internet Guest Account) with “Modify”, “Read & Execute”, “Read”, and “Write” permission. Follow same steps as used to assign IUSR and IWAM to temp folder except only check “Modify”, “Read & Execute”, “Read”, and “Write”.
5) Set permissions for C:\Program Files\Common Files\Brolin\Zip to include IUSR (Internet Guest Account) with “Modify”, “Read & Execute”, “Read”, and “Write” permission. Follow same steps as used to assign IUSR and IWAM to temp folder except only check “Modify”, “Read & Execute”, “Read”, and “Write”.
6) Set permissions for your website. Go to your websites root folder, e.g. “D:\Websites\MySite” and set to include “Full Control” for both IUSR (Internet Guest Account) and Everyone. Follow same steps as used to assign IUSR and IWAM to temp folder except check “Full Control”.
Modify IIS Metabase.xml file (Windows XP and Windows 2003 only):
By default IIS is set to allow maximum file upload size of only 200K. The following will set it to the largest setting supported by IIS.
1) Using the IIS Console select the server name.
2) Right click and select Properties
3) Check “Enable Direct Metabase Edit” and click Ok.
4) Using Windows Explorer go to “C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv” and open “Metabase.xml” in Notepad.
5) Select Edit then select Find.
6) Enter “AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed” in the text box and click Find.
7) After it finds the value, click Cancel to close the Find dialog box.
8) Set the value to "1073741824" as follows: AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed="1073741824"
9) Save and Close the file.
Create and configure site in IIS Console:
Using IIS Console you need to create your site and configure it as follows:
1) To create the website:
a) Select “Websites” and right click. Select New then select Web Site as shown below.
b) Follow the steps presented by the Wizard
c) Click Next.
d) Enter a name for your website then click Next.
e) Select your IP from the list box. Leave the Port set to 80. In the Host Header text box enter the same domain name (URL) you entered during PortalProdigy Setup. E.g. “www.mysite.com”.
f) Use the Browse button to select the website root folder that was created during the PortalProdigy setup, then click Next.
g) For Web Site Access Permissions check “Read” and leave all others unchecked.
h) Click Finish button.
2) Configure Website Properties:
a) Select the website and right click on it, then select Properties.
b) No changes to Web Site tab are necessary. Click Home Directory tab:
c) Set Execute Permissions to “Scripts only” then click Ok.
d) Set each folder’s IIS permissions as follows: the root folder, Applets folder, HTML folder, and Images folder require Read rights. All other folders (Data, Documents, Pages, Rpt, StaticPages, Temp, and XML) should have all rights unchecked (no rights). You set them by selecting the folder as shown above, then right click and select Properties. It is not necessary to set the sub-folders of these folders as they will inherit rights from their parent folder.
Setup & configure Broadcasting Components:
If you want to send email from PortalProdigy, including automated notifications, then you need to complete this step, which will guide you through the process of setting up PortalProdigy’s broadcasting components. It requires that Sun Microsystems Java version 5.0 or higher be installed on your server (note that it is sometimes referred to as version 1.50).
1) Verify that you have Sun Java version 5.0 or higher installed. If not, go to http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp to download and update; otherwise skip to the next step. Be sure to restart your server after Java new install or update.
2) Copy all jar files from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Brolin\Java to C:\Program Files\Java\\lib\ext where is substituted by the latest JRE (Java release) folder name such as “jre1.5.0_06” that is installed on your server.
3) Create a System DSN for the BroadcastingBoard.mdb:
a) Click Start > Administrative Tools >Data Sources (ODBC)
b) Click the System DSN tab.
c) Click Add.
d) Select the driver “Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb).
e) Click Finish.
f) Set Data Source Name to “BBoard”.
g) Browse and select the database at C:/Program Files/Common Files/Brolin/data/ BroadcastingBoard.mdb.
h) Click Ok to save.
4) Using Notepad, open the file “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Brolin\Java\bulkmail\bulkmail.properties” and update the IP address for the SMTP host. Set the IP address to your SMTP sever. Save and close bulkmail.properties file.
5) Create shortcut and place on desktop for “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Brolin\Java\bulkmail\bulkmail.bat”.
6) Create shortcut and place on desktop for “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Brolin\Java\bcdispatchbcastd.bat”.
7) Copy “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Brolin\Java\bulkmail\systray4j.dll” to “C:\Windows\System32” folder. Note that registration is unnecessary.
8) Run bulkmail.bat by double clicking on the shortcut. It will take a several seconds for the BulkMail Broadcasting Service dialog window to open and to establish a connection to your SMTP server. Verify that SMTP host resolved and that the SMTP host is “alive”, and that “Service exposed over RMI” by reading the prompts displayed in this dialog as shown below:
9) Provided BulkMail Broadcasting Services are alive and the service is exposed over RMI, double click on bcastd.exe shortcut to run Broadcast Dispatcher.
10) Dispatcher uses RMI discovery to find the BulkMail program. When it finds BuilkMail program it lists the IP address the server that is running it (your web server), as shown above. Click Start.
11) Dispatcher reads the BroadcastingBoard.mdb for unsent email broadcasts and sends them to the BulkMail program for broadcasting. It also updates the status of email broadcasts in the BroadcastingBoard.mdb based on status reported back by the BulkMail program. It repeats this process based on the value set for Polling Interval.
Schedule nightly utilities using Windows Scheduler:
The following utilities should be scheduled to run nightly using the Windows Scheduler. It is recommended to run them at least 5 minutes apart. Websitesenum.ini is read by the utilities to determine which websites and MDB to process.
1) Compact and Repair of MBD. Select Start > Control Panels > Scheduled Tasks >Add Scheduled Task. Browse and select “C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/Brolin/CompactMDB.exe”
2) Site Management. Select Start > Control Panels > Scheduled Tasks >Add Scheduled Task. Browse and select “C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/Brolin/SiteMngt.exe”.
3) Edit Websitesenum.ini. Open “C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/Brolin/SiteMngt.exe” in Notepad and set the following parameters replacing "d:\Websites\MySite" with your sites path and “www.mysite.com” with your URL:
4) Save “C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/Brolin/SiteMngt.exe” and Close Notepad.
Start MakeZip.exe:
MakeZip.exe is used to zip HTML files with their corresponding resource folders so they can be downloaded over HTTP as a single file. This utility should always be running on your PortalProdigy server.
1) Locate the file “C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/Brolin/makezip.exe” and create a shortcut on the desktop. You may also want to add it to your Windows startup.
2) Run Makezip.exe by double clicking on the MakeZip.exe shortcut. You can verify that it is running in Task manager as it does not appear in the system tray or display a window.
Access your website:
1) Access your website using Internet Explorer. It should appear as follows:
2) Click on “Administration” which is listed in the Left Side Bar.
3) Set Login = “Administrator”.
4) Set Password = “newsite” all lower case.
5) Click “Login” and the Site Administration menu should appear as follows.
6) For further instructions see the Administration Manual & User Guide and the Quick Tutorial Guides which are available on http://www.portalprodigy.com/